My sister moved from my hometown in Wisconsin to Colorado Springs this year. For Christmas, I wanted to make her something that would celebrate her new home & remind her of other home. So, I made two pieces- one (above) of Pike's Peak, the iconic mountain she can see from her new apartment, along with some other local Colorado sights and flora. I included The Garden of the Gods, some Rocky Mountain Columbine (gosh, what a beautiful flower) and some sage.
The other painting, below, is of a corner of my parent's backyard- something so specific to us that it makes my heart ache a little bit looking at it. (In a good way!) Our crooked little trees, the beautiful ponds, the golden yellow fields, my mother's favorite flower, and our steadfast great blue heron pal.

It was really lovely to return, in a way, to the landscape series I'd been creating before. I've enjoyed these types of pieces more and more as they've gotten more personal (and I can think of few places more personal to me than the backyard of the home I grew up in!)
Looking forward to falling in love with more places and drawing them, too.